Performing stand-up comedy is one of the most exhilarating jobs on the planet. Unfortunately the important job of host is rarely given much direction. Just know that if you work at becoming a good host you will be able to work just about anywhere, and more frequently, even outside of comedy. If you can host you can do anything. If you can’t host – learn. In this workshop you'll learn the tools to make you a competent host who can make a bad show ‘good’ and a good show ‘great’.

ALL ACCESS PASSES AVAILABLE: Purchase an ALL ACCESS PASS to gain access to ALL Summer Comedy Camp Classes. Email for questions.

05/03/2025 1:00 PM

Door Time: 12:00 PM

Other Showtimes

Performing stand-up comedy is one of the most exhilarating jobs on the planet. Unfortunately the important job of host is rarely given much direction. Just know that if you work at becoming a good host you will be able to work just about anywhere, and more frequently, even outside of comedy. If you can host you can do anything. If you can’t host – learn. In this workshop you'll learn the tools to make you a competent host who can make a bad show ‘good’ and a good show ‘great’.

ALL ACCESS PASSES AVAILABLE: Purchase an ALL ACCESS PASS to gain access to ALL Summer Comedy Camp Classes. Email for questions.

No refunds or exchanges.
Fee applies if transferring confirmed ticket purchase to another guest.

Ages 21+

Performing stand-up comedy is one of the most exhilarating jobs on the planet. Unfortunately the important job of host is rarely given much direction. Just know that if you work at becoming a good host you will be able to work just about anywhere, and more frequently, even outside of comedy. If you can host you can do anything. If you can’t host – learn. In this workshop you'll learn the tools to make you a competent host who can make a bad show ‘good’ and a good show ‘great’.

ALL ACCESS PASSES AVAILABLE: Purchase an ALL ACCESS PASS to gain access to ALL Summer Comedy Camp Classes. Email for questions.